Little Coders


Lego Mindstorms

Code Monkey

Game Blockly



Java Script


The above courses are offered as private tuition or in a group environment. Each child’s inclination, talent and level are determined during the initial session and tailored individually.

Our pre-reception and reception level courses cater to 4 to 6 age group. In these coding courses, robotic toys such as blue-boots, bee boots, and simple coding and drawings on paper are used for providing coding basics for children. Children’s mathematical and algorithmic perceptions are strengthened through games and stories which are designed using creative drama elements.  This set up allows children to absorb the basics without the feeling of being in a classroom. We take into account the attention and interest level of each child as well as parents’ availabilities and offer our courses in blocks of 60 minutes and a suggested block would consist of 2 sets of 60 minute sessions (2 hours).

The more advanced coding courses focus on basic algorithmic coding of robotic games and programmes.  These include world renowned programs such as Scratch developed by MIT University; Kodu developed by Microsoft; EV3 & WeDo developed by Lego and App Inventor co-developed by Google and MIT which are suited for teaching coding to children between ages of 6 to 16.

More expert level coding courses include programming languages such as Phyton, JS, HTML.  Both advanced and expert level coding courses are offered in blocks of 60 minutes and a suggested block would consist of 2 sets of 60 minute sessions (2 hours).

Price List per session

Online Tutoring
Private Tutoring
Group Tutoring
Pre-School Tutoring

We offer various packages as well as sibling and group discounts. Please get in touch with us for further details.

07387 789530